Wednesday, April 1, 2015

History Fair, March 2015

We finished our studies of the Renaissance and Reformation, and the kids worked hard to get their display together for the history fair.  Emily insisted from the start that she wanted to dress as Leonardo da Vinci, so Leonardo she was, gray beard and all.  The beard and wig were purchased, but the rest of her costume started out as thrift store garments, repurposed and altered by me.  I made the hat following the instructions at the "sempstress" site. 

Jacob informed me that this is the last year he will dress in costume.  We shall see how it goes next year.  :) His Martin Luther monk's robe was made from old sheets, and his hat was made from instructions from the above listed site.  Emily tea dyed the 95 Theses, A Mighty Fortress, and the other documents related to Martin Luther.

Jacob designed the Wittenberg Church, and both kids made the tissue paper "stained glass" windows.  Jacob also came up with the idea for the display and made the timeline and other sign boards.  I wish I had gotten some better photos taken of their display including the catapult model, fresco paintings, and Shakespeare Globe Theatre that the kids made.  Oh, notice the plate of gummy worms...and the sign that reads "Diet of Worms."  (The worms were a big hit at the fair!)

The history fair was a well-attended event, and we all enjoyed the evening.  It was a great culmination to the end of the unit.

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