Friday, September 13, 2013

Paddle Dolls

We are two weeks into Year 1 of Tapestry, and both Friday afternoons have become project days.  It has been rather fun.  Last week we painted the wooden paddle dolls that Mark cut out of wood for us.  I asked him to drill holes in their heads, and today we tied lengths of jute into the holes for the dolls' hair.  Since I couldn't find the beads I thought we had, we just left them off.

This afternoon we also made reed boats out of dried grasses.  Both kids enjoyed this project immensely.  It helped that we made our boats outside and the weather was not-too-hot, something I'm thankful about in Oklahoma this time of year. 

I also planned for each of us to make a clay cartouche this afternoon, but the kids are having so much fun playing with their reed boats and the little Egyptian figures I found at Hobbly Lobby that I decided to just let them play.  It is a beautiful day to be outside.

 Jacob used a Sharpie marker to color his doll's hair black. 


 This (above) is the way boys take pictures with dolls--"This is lame, Mom."

And this (below) is what boys really do with dolls--Guitar Hero.

The Finished  Paddle Dolls

If you look closely, you'll see that Emily painted her doll like a cat.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! What a wonderful way to learn and create! I was researching paddle dolls and came across your page. VEry inspiring!
    What great parenting!
