Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Red Baron

Our studies of World War I continue.  Jacob was fascinated with the "Red Baron," Manfred von Richthofen and his red tri-plane.  Actually, he enjoyed reading about all the Flying Aces and their dogfights in the air.  

Over the past few weeks we have watched numerous WWI movies, fiction and documentary, depicting the battles in the air and in the trenches.  Ellen's comment about all the movies we watched was that they were depressing because the heroes always died in the end.  The trench warfare of World War I seemed so senseless to me....thousands of soldiers were literally massacred when they "went over the top" of the trenches. I have such a greater appreciation for soldiers who fight for their countries, but I also am horrified by the brutality of it all.

Pictured here are Jacob's notebook pages about the planes of World War I.

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