Monday, October 3, 2011

World War I Continues

Our study of World War I continues.  Slowly.  Each Tapestry of Grace week is meant to be completed in just that--a week.  But we are taking 2, and sometimes 3 study weeks for each Tapestry week.  I'm okay with it, though.  The kids are learning, and we are all enjoying the topic of WWI.  At this pace we will be spending 2 years for Year 4 of TOG.  :/

Jacob has been making more notebooking pages.  He loves looking through his notebook at the pages he's created.  I love that he is learning and that he is recording what he is learning.  And...I love that that he is writing, even if just short paragraphs.  He is writing-- a big accomplishment for a 10 year old boy who did not want to write anything previously.   :)

  Christmas Truce 1914

 Jacob's Pen Drawing of The Trenches

 Trench Warfare

President Pages:  Woodrow Willson
Did you know that Woodrow Wilson's picture 
was printed on the 100,000 dollar bill?!!


1 comment:

  1. These are excellent ideas! I will definitely be using them this upcoming year with my kids. Thanks for taking the time to share.
